“Provides a unique opportunity to understand the status of E-Invoicing globally and to glimpse the future. I recommend attending.”
Chris Hogg, Cumulo9 Limited, New Zealand


5th – 6th November, 2019

The E-Invoicing Exchange Summit will be held in Singapore on November 5 and 6, 2019. Participants at this global platform benefit from an in-depth learning and networking experience while getting proven best practices and tested solutions to the toughest challenges in E-Invoicing.

The programme covers a wide range of relevant topics: New E-Invoicing mandates, real-time tax reporting, global E-Invoicing trends, the impact of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain, the importance of clearance models and more. One of many highlights will be the keynote by Tan Kiat How, Chief Executive of IMDA, on the role of E-Invoicing in Singapore´s digital economy strategy and on the implications of Singapore being the first national PEPPOL authority outside Europe.

Conference Highlights

These key topics will be covered during the two days of the conference: 

  • Corporate experience and management of supply chain automation
  • Regulatory impacts on market developments
  • Technology developments e.g. supply chain automation, blockchain, analytics
  • Standards and Interoperability as business drivers for digitisation
  • B2C developments in EIPP 

Another highlight will be the analyst keynote by Bruno Koch, an independent and international EInvoicing consultant and market analyst, who will present the key findings of his high-valued market report The E-Invoicing Journey 2019-2025.

Expert Interview: Factoring and Receivables Finance Predictions for 2020 – Peter Mulroy, FCI View →

Podcast Live: Artificial Intelligence and Trade Finance (S1E14) View →

Article: Invoice Finance – TFG Ultimate Guide View →